Psycho Mare and I will be showing together for the first time in about a week. Sometimes, it’s easy to get so caught up in the RIDING and forget about extras that go with SHOWING. She is currently sporting a Mohawk. It might have been a bridle path a few months ago…
She doesn’t have the luxurious thick mane that the Old Man had, but it isn’t short by any means. I wondered how a French braid would hold. So, I braided it!
looking a little more grown up... |
Then I rode. For a while… I mean, I have to know how it will hold up at a show, right? The results are mediocre…
hmmmm.... not so pretty anymore... |
I’m on the fence. I have made a deal that, if I pull it, I will ride her until it grows back. If she’s to show at AHA shows in anything other than hunter or dressage, she needs her “natural mane and tail”…
Not to mention, plaiting is a big commitment compared to French braiding… and all the maintenance that goes with a pulled mane… And what color yard do you use on “roan”?
I took advantage of the lovely weather this week. It started out as a nice ride outside… My mare was so biddable and cooperative, I decided to cool out and call it good while I was a head! We did ride long enough to work up a sweat…
I hosed her off, but it was so nice out, I thought maybe she should have a mini bath!
Then, I discovered I didn’t have any more shampoo at the barn, so I figured a pseudo-bath would do!
But, once I sprayed off everything I could, I was bothered by the dirt all over her legs… So, I attacked them with the scrubber brush! Who needs soap when you have elbow grease?
By now, I’m thinking those white socks are so clean… Perhaps I should hang out until they are dry and clip them! This thing just kept escalating. I was out of control!
I’m still on the fence about a pulled mane… So, I combed Cowboy Magic through mane and tail… Hair by hair… Strand by strand… She has a lovely silver lock in the middle of her tail!
just imagine how it will look when that tail is CLEAN! |
I then attacked the mare with my clippers! She was great while I shaved her beard off…
She was phenomenal while I shaved her legs! Even the back ones!! Just look at those fabulously white socks!
She still has a bit of a Mohawk… Despite an attack of the scissors…
And I’m still on the fence… French Braid, or Plaits?