Tuesday, December 17, 2013

For Want of Spring

While it was flipping cold outside, I was going stir crazy and failing to manage my Raynaud’s.  Now that it is beautiful outside (well, compared to the last couple weeks, anyway), I have a head cold.  Pardon me, while I pout.
we can pretend this is me pouting, right?
I'm going to a show Saturday.  A local hunter.jumper show.  Where we will happily go 2'3" and 2'6" with the intent of jumping bigger courses and absolutely no hope of ribbons.  I'm completely OK with that.  I really want to kick ass at Beginner Novice eventing in 2014.  So, while I really just want to drug up and do this:
seriously, any cat will do...
I will instead drag my happy self out to the barn and do my best to stay out of the Fancy Pony's way while we practice a quick bit of jumping.  Then, I will proceed home for the drugging and kitty-cuddling and general miserable-ality that goes along with being sick.
And my husband will never understand why I don't just stay home and rest...


  1. I never let anything stop me from riding either :)

    1. Sometimes, against my inclination, I force myself to stay home due to things like cold (I've had 2 raynaud's episodes this year when I was inside my own house!) or the realization that something about my circumstances will make my riding ineffective (back/sciatic pain or some other major distraction that might be making me miserable). It has taken me a few years to realize that it might be better for both me and my horse to step back sometimes, but if I missed it, she will tell me. She's pretty sensetive and doesn't tolerate much ineffectiveness. ;)

  2. Shows are exciting! You guys will do great and you will not regret deciding to get off the couch that day ;)

    1. I never regret time spent on the back of a horse! I especially won't regret it when I get to the show and I remember everything that I know how to do RIGHT! =D

  3. I am with you on wanting spring. (Sorry, I realize you posted this days ago, but I'm just now getting around to my weekly comment roundup! I did read it days ago!)

    1. LOLOL! That will happen to me, too! Then, sometimes, I feel like the conversation went on so far without me that I just don't have any valuable input anymore. Which is probably just the product of my ADD mind where "if I don't do it now, it won't ever happen!" *sigh*



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